AFK - Away from keyboard. Appears next to a character's name when it's idle for a time.
Aggro - Verb: a hostile mob that has noticed a character and is actively trying to attack that character. Noun: the amount of hostility the player has generated on the mob. Typically, the fighter and/or tank takes as much as this away from weaker players, such as healers.
Alt - Short for alternate. This is a character a player has that isn't their main character.
AOE - Area of effect.
Attribute - e.g. Might, Morale, Vitality, Fate etc.
Bind/Bound - to bind an item to that specific character, it can no longer be used by anybody else.
BoA - Bind on acquire. Refers to an item, usually a quest item, that is bound to a character when obtained. These cannot be traded with another character or player.
BoE - Bind on equip. Refers to an item that, when used, can then only be used by that character. These items cannot be traded with another player or character once bound, but usually can be traded prior to this.
BRB - Be right back.
BRT - Be right there.
BTW - By the way.
Buff - Temporary boost to a character attribute or combat ability.
Camp(ing) - The act of waiting in an area for a specific spawn or to hunt a specific mob.
Class - Type of character. E.g. Champion, Captain, Hunter, Lore-Master etc.
Crafting - A general category of skills that allows characters to make objects. E.g. Woodworking, Cooking, Scholar etc.
Crit - To "crit" means to land a critical hit. This means effective damage is increased.
Crowd Control - A spell/ability that temporarily stuns other mobs. Important when fighting multiple mobs.
DD - Direct damage. Refers to a class of spells and abilities that allow characters to damage enemies from a distance.
Debuff - Opposite of buff. An offensive spell cast on enemies that weakens a mob's attribute or combat ability.
Deed - verb and noun, which relates to tasks that are not compulsory but often help increase a characters traits.
DoT - Damage over time. An attack that causes damage over a period of time. This can be by poison, wounds caused by animals or weapons or types of attack.
DPS - Damage per second. Used to compare weapon speed and damage.
EXP/XP - Experience. A quantity gained when completing task, quests and killing mobs. This controls when you level up.
Farm(ing) - The act of gaining gold by constantly killing mobs or completing a repeat series of actions.
Fellowship - a group of players working together to deed or quest faster/easier.
FTL/FTW - For the lose / For the win. A failure / victory.
Gank - To be ganked is to be overwhelmed by a group of mobs.
GTG - Good to go.
Heal - A spell or skill that increases the morale of the target. If a player yells "heal" or "heal me" it means they're about to die!
Health - see Morale.
IMHO - In my humble/honest opinion.
INC - Incoming. When a character pulls a group of mobs, he can use this to let the other members of the fellowship know the mob(s) are coming!
IRL - In real life.
Instance - A mirror of a quest or area which allows several different characters of fellowships to explore it without interacting.
JK - Just kidding.
K/KK/Kay - Okay. To acknowledge another player or confirm a suggestion.
Kinship - A larger group of friends that aren't necessarily working together at a the same time.
LD - Link dead. When a player disconnects from a game, usually because of lame internet.
LFF - Looking for fellowship.
LMAO/LOL - Really? I don't think this needs explaining!
LoS - Line of sight. A requirement for ranged attacks.
Med/Medding - The requirement to heal, as in "I need to med before next attack".
Mez - Mesmerise. Ability to stun.
Mob - An A.I. controlled monster.
Morale - The health or "life" of a character.
Mule - an Alt character used primarily for the extra storage they provide.
Newbie/Noob - a new player to a game.
NP - No problem.
NPC - Non-player character. A character controlled by the A.I.
OMW - On my way.
OOC - Out of character.
PC - Player character.
Port - Teleport.
Power - The amount of energy a player has, which is used in combet with each attack.
Pull - A hunting strategy that involves luring a single or group of mobs to the group. Usually it'll be the luring of one mob from a group or the luring of a group of mobs away from the weaker members of a fellowship.
Quest - Tasks that characters must complete to gain XP. Will involve speaking to NPCs.
Race - Refers to the races of characters. Playable races are Hobbits, Humans, Elves and Dwarves. NPCs include Goblins, Orcs, Insects etc.
Raid - A larger organised group of players, typically a fellowship larger than 6.
Regen - Regenerate. Used to denote the speed a characters morale or power regenerates after combat.
Rez - Resurrection. Healers can typically resurrect dead characters.
Roll - to "roll" on an item is to roll a virtual die, with the highest number winning the loot. The generally accepted "fair" way to distribute loop.
Server - Each server can only hold a certain number of players. Like another dimension!
Solo - the act of playing alone, not in a fellowship.
Spawn - When mobs die, the typically resurrect after a certain time to where they originally start.
Stun - A type of crowd control that immobilises an enemy.
Tank - A character in a fellowship that acts as a punching bag. Typically they have higher mroale and armour and can take a beating (Guardian is the main class for this, Champions can also do this) while other characters attack from a distance. The tank needs to draw aggro to itself.
Trait - a special attribute that increases certain skills and/or attributes. Often received when completing deeds!
Twink - the act of giving valuables to a newbie character.
Uber - awesome!
WB - Welcome back.
WOOT - Yay!
WTB - Want to buy.
WTG - Way to go.
WTS - Want to sell.
Zerg - the act of a group of characters rushing in to batter a mob. A basic strategy with no skill required!
With thanks to